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Friday, July 6, 2012

Drops of rain...(a day i will keep inside me forever-friday 14-12-07) i really do

drops of rain....
 pieces of pure ice.....falling down like rice.....
touching every part of me.....taking me where i used to be.....

drops of rain.....
 it falls on ur head and starts to knock...knocktill your soul re open the dreamy gate.....

drops of rain....
 sitting and sitting...
looking to the faces....
listening to the whispers......
till a sudden invisble carol appeared and touched me and took my hand and started to pull me away....
so faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away....
....till my eyes reached the opened space where my eyes met the drops of rain..
where every drop started to fall softly on my face....washing away the internal space.....
finding its way to my frozen soul....trying to repair the pain of my wounded soul,,,,,
trying to recharge and collect back the spreading chain.....

drops of rain....
 when drops of rain falls deep inside me.....
touching my spreading parts of my soul....
trying to water it and collect it overall.....

drops of rain....
 a sparkle my way back home....

drops of rain....
 an invisible true chain that will always remain.....

drops of rain....
 a very cold frozen touch that would mean so much.....

drops of rain.....
 a few drops of rain wud take you to an invisible framless frame where you can feel no pain.....

drops of rain....
 take me in a long run while iam still in my place where suddenly
iam weary to my bones.....


  1. Dear Radwa,
    I'm catching up my "Blog Hop Saturday! visits.

    I almost feel like breaking out in a song reading this (smile). You won't find me out in the rain, but I do like listening to it when it's falling...kind of calming to the soul. I like how everything smells fresh and clean afterwords too. Nicely expressed!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Don't forget to bookmark your calendar for the next Lovers' Cove Challenge on July 26th and then Blog Hop Saturday! #4 on Aug 3rd-4th.

  2. Wow , you have touched the emotions !! Rains truly brings out the best !
